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Shanxi province to determine the focus of state-owned enterprise reform, 4
Views:3552  Published:2010-02-02  Back

  In Shanxi Province recently held state-owned assets supervision and management decided that the reform of state-owned enterprises in Shanxi Province will accelerate the pace of joint-stock reform, improve corporate governance structure, and intensifying the implementation of large companies and group strategy and corporate bankruptcy and reorganization efforts, speed up the separation of major companies such as four-pronged approach, and strive to achieve a breakthrough.

  Although the reform of state-owned enterprises in Shanxi Province has made remarkable achievements in reform, but the company is not standardized, equity structure is irrational, enterprise-run burden on society, to exit a slower pace than other deep-rooted contradictions and problems have not yet been fundamentally resolved, state-owned enterprise reform is still , Shanxi Province to deepen the central link in economic restructuring. Therefore, Shanxi Province will strive for breakthroughs in four areas.

  First, we accelerated the pace of joint-stock reform to achieve investment diversification, so that the shareholding system as the main form of public ownership, and actively promote the orderly withdrawal of state-owned capital from the small and medium enterprises, improve coal, coke, metallurgy, electric power and other advantages of industry, ownership structure of state-owned large-scale enterprises optimize the equity structure of state-owned enterprises.

  Second, is to improve the corporate governance structure, establish and perfect the modern enterprise system, standardize the company's shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and management functions, improve the business leaders of the appointment system, to promote labor and employment, personnel and distribution system reform, vigorously promote annual salary system and equity, options system.

  Third, large companies and step up the implementation of group strategy and corporate bankruptcy and reorganization efforts to promote the orderly flow of state-owned property surrounding Shanxi Province, coal, iron and steel, chemicals, cement and other competitive industries to break the ownership, regional and affiliation restrictions, the development and the formation of a approved competitive large companies and large enterprise groups.

  Fourth, enterprises should be accelerated pace of social functions and separation of major and strive to use 3 to 5 years of state-owned enterprises are running schools, hospitals, to the social management, TISCO, too heavy, too, and Shanxi Coking Coal of schools run by the transfer of work and strive to completed during the year.

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